Wondering how many thank you cards you will need? You will need to send one to everyone who gives you a gift, I recommend purchasing the same quantity as your invitations. You should send your thank you cards within two months of the wedding. Do not try to write them all at once. Keep a list of your guest list from your invitations and as the gifts arrive make notes about who gave you what. Then after the honeymooon get started on the thank you cards when you can. The most important part is make it personal! Specify the gift they gave you rather than just generalizing. For example, "Thank you for the crystal candlesticks, they are lovely on our dining table."

There are many styles you can choose from. They can match your invitations, be a postcard with a picture of you and your new husband from the wedding, or simple thank you cards from the store. Don't forget all stationary is 30% off this month! Contact me for details.

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